Online Marketplace for B&B Visual Identity
於 2018 年進行品牌建立,AsiaYo 是一間線上跨國訂房平台,於 2013 年成立,5 年期間致力於使用最好的服務位旅客帶來最好的旅遊住宿體驗。由於本身是台灣公司,最了解亞州人重視「服務」的特性,因此公司的宗旨為 To Encourage and Inspire People to Enjoy the Best Experience During Their Journey. ( 啟發人移動到不同的地點、體驗不同事物、探索自己不同的面貌。) 而其中的 人( People ) 包含對於旅客與員工的重視,期許接觸到 AsiaYo 的人都可以抱著 「 Step out ( 出發 ) 」的精神前邁進。
AsiaYo is an online multi-language booking platform, founded in 2013, has been dedicated to provide the best tourist accommodation experience for 5 years. As a Taiwanese company, best understanding of the characteristics of the "SERVICE" that the Asian people value, so the company's purpose is "To Encourage and Inspire People to Enjoy the Best Experience During their Journey. "AsiaYo wants to inspire people to move to different places, to experience different things, to explore their different faces. The people who represent the passengers and the employees. Hope everyone to move forward with the spirit of " Step Out ".
Mood board

Brand mood board: step out / vacation / customer / staff / inspire

Brand Identity
Step out! /
透過中文字讓人聯想到來 AsiaYo 是個來自東方的品牌,展現 AsiaYo 是以「人」為本的公司,強調對於「員工」與「顧客」的重要性。 以令人感到幸福與安心的藍色和充滿自信與溫暖的黃色作為雙主色,引導視覺看出房子、道路,象徵從訂房平台出發走在探索世界的道路上。期待AsiaYo成為一間有溫度、有創造力與冒險精神的公司。

Traditional Chinese characters " 人 " combined with " A ", showing the brand from Asia. Using color partition to express the image of Blue sky, house and Road​​​.​

New Logo (2018-)

logo (2013-2017) 

Website UI Design

Host Landing Page

APP Onboarding

App Onboarding Illustration Design

Brand Illustration

Client _ AisaYo 亞洲遊
CIS Designer _ Kaiting Hsu | Chingya Su
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